Meeting of former high school classmates:
After so many years, the solidarity for the children of the school of Pho Cap remains the same. Elisabetta Susani collects the contributions of all former comrades to finance the canteen.
With the help of two former classmates, Claudio Bosoni and Elisabetta Susani, his wife, Silvia Settembrini, organizes a surprise party and invites friends to place their gift to Nourish them with Art.
Birthday of Piero Pissavini:
This is an opportunity to meet, and share with old friends, a project created by a mutual friend.
With the help of two former classmates, Claudio Bosoni and Elisabetta Susani, his wife, Silvia Settembrini, organizes a surprise party and invites friends to place their gift to Nourish them with Art.